Ever held a loaded gun? A real sword?
That switchblade your locker buddy snuck into school? Do you remember how it felt to hold
it? The sense that not only had
you taken up an implement of violence…but that you were holding something
outside yourself…an object of power…something almost alive?
A raktavarna is that living weapon—a demoted rakshasa bound
in blade form. Which is pretty
cool in and of itself (a step above the usual evil intelligent weapon story),
and is an opportunity to introduce PCs to the dark world of these shapechanging
fiends. So a raktavarna could just
be the creepy memory-stealing snake-monster they suddenly find themselves
holding, or it could be the thing that spurs them to take a xebec across the
sea to fight these insidious alien evils.
One final note: Shame defines a raktavarna—their form is
karmic punishment for failure in a previous life, and they are desperate for a
cosmic do-over. I’m guessing their
desperation for a master puts them in the darshaka
caste (see Bestiary 3), which means
they must prove themselves as good servants before returning to the ranks of
their paradeshi kin. Thus, while some may try to seek out
ever-stronger masters in a manner typical to intelligent weapons, most will be
devoted aides. This makes a
raktavarna familiar far more loyal than the usual lawful evil outsider such as
an imp…and makes its facility with comprehend languages, commune,
and Master’s Eyes (Su) all the more dangerous for the useful intelligence which
it can supply its master.
Unowned, a desperate
raktavarna identifies a party of adventurers as the most powerful potential
masters in the area. It tries a
number of ways to get noticed by the party, including appearing as a jeweled
dagger in their path, charming a
servant to pack it with their things, or cajoling a local cutpurse through suggestion into making a move for their
obviously fat purses.
The Running of the
Mage Maze is an annual event where spellcasters navigate passages, solve
puzzles, and duel monsters—and each other, though the practice is frowned
upon. Parviz Sing has managed to
smuggle in his raktavarna familiar in the form of a blade. The rakshasa’s
senses free Sing to study more combat-oriented charms, and its memory-modifying poison bite helps hide
the evidence of his cheating from his competitors.
The feud between the
walrus-headed Shamatar and the lynx-headed Ebony Night occupied most of
last century, becoming practically legend among rakshasakind (and even among a
few in-the-know mortals). Then came
Ebony Night’s fall into indolence and subsequent submission to a mortal sorceress. Her later demise found her reincarnated
as a raktavarna. Shamatar, an avid
fan of divinations, has learned of his rival’s rebirth and seeks to claim her
as his personal blade. The fact
that some feeble adventurers now unwittingly carry her is no obstacle, he is
—Pathfinder Bestiary 3 229
Bonus hint for making your party think you are the best GM
ever: Have your party defeat a rakshasa.
Two or three campaigns down the road, when they’re playing different
characters, have them encounter that same rakshasa as a raktavarna—demoted
because of their original PCs’ success.
It won’t mean anything in-game, but it’ll bring smiles all around the
table, and new members will want to hear the story…
Also, I just opened my email and holy crap did I get some
amazing comments on the rakshasa.
I can’t do them justice today—my brother’s in town from Portland, OR, so
I’ve got hosting duties—but consider my mind blown. More soon, I promise!
In the meantime, you all can read them here.
I know most of you come here for the monsters, the
Pathfinder, and the D&D. But
for you indie radio fans, Saturday was one of my best shows in months. New Iron & Wine, old Velocity
Girl, live Decemberists, and clean Macklemore, just to name a few
If you’ve never listened, this is the one to click; if you
listen regularly, this is one to download and save. Thanks!
(The feed skips on some computers. If this happens to you,
load it in Firefox or Chrome, Save As an mp3, and enjoy in iTunes. Link good
till Friday, 5/10, at midnight.)
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