Monday, June 25, 2012

Half-Celestial & Half-Celestial Unicorn

The half-celestial template is perfect for populating the goodly planes, creating divine emissaries, or turning typically evil creatures into surprising allies.  And speaking of good, it’s hard to get much good-er than a half-celestial unicorn.

A winged unicorn, a legendary beast reputed to dwell deep in Arwen Forest, alights in the center of the sooty, cobbled city square of Dengulf.  Awe at the unicorn’s arrival and appearance—a beam of light seems to surround the creature—gives way to the usual cosmopolitan japes—predominantly about the paucity of virgins in Dengulf.  Unperturbed, the half-celestial unicorn appears to wait for someone, though it will not let unclean hands approach.

Kirtan Sah, a half-celestial rakshasa, shouldn’t exist—as native outsiders, rakshasas don’t count among the living per se, and as beings of spirit, their foulness is inherent in their very essences.  Nevertheless, the white-tiger-faced, twisted-limb monk calmly persists in being, seeking allies in his holy struggle against vile rakshasas and asuras alike.

Despite their good hearts, pride and vanity are two sins that dog many a paladin.  The Order of White Bastion has a cure: a custodian named Sheb.  Many a pompous acolyte has had her eyes opened by a month of sweeping duty in the half-celestial mongrelman’s company.

Pathfinder Bestiary 169

I can’t tell you how happy I am to have reached the letter H.  I love the G monsters, but we’ve been hanging in that corner of the alphabet since March.

Also, I am not one of those people that hates the United States Postal Service.  Personally, I think the USPS is a miracle.  Despite being the bleeding edge of the Millennial Generation (I missed the Gen X cutoff, so I got to watch their cartoons but never made any money on the Internet) I still pay all my bills by mail.  And ordinarily I receive extraordinary service at any branch I go to.  I like the post office.

That said, I hate my post office—my work one, that is: the Fell’s Point branch in Baltimore, MD, blessed by miserable hours and a pack of surly, slow-moving automatons who make getting personal packages at a work address as much of a trial as possible.  Which is why I did not get my Advanced Race Guide until today, rather than the promised last Thursday.

First impression: It’s pretty…  *Blinks star-dazzled eyes*  More to follow when I actually have time to read.

It’s a show!  On the radio!  With me!  Download it!  You might like the Passion Pit.  Or hate the ska interlude.

(Music starts three and a half minutes into the file.  If the feed skips, load in Firefox or Chrome, Save As an mp3, and enjoy in iTunes.  Link good until Friday, 6/29, at midnight.)

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